Days of Recollection
Take a day to pause and reflect upon the call of Our Lord. A Day of Recollection gives us the time in our busy lives for a quiet moment on prayer.
Advent Day of Recollection
With Kathy Irr
Winter Bereavement Retreat
With Fr. Demetri Belsito
With Sue Ellen Landwehr
SoulCollage® can assist in the journey towards a more felt connection with God. Many in traditional religious settings long for this connection but need more tools. SoulCollage® is an accessible, doable practice that can open up a wellspring of feeling, insight, and connection to the Divine. Many themes have been explored with SoulCollage including […]
Finding Recovery Through Art
With Sue Ellen Landwehr
A Lenten Hobo Honeymoon
With Sr. Theresita Donach, CSFN
Want to be a Hobo this Lent? The word Hobo translates to Homeward Bound; and for us, it is homeward bound to our God. This retreat will invite us to reverence the good seed and Loving Creator God planted within each of us before we were born…promising with our “yes” to bring life to our […]
Dating under God's Guidance
With Carol Vara
Come explore some tips and tools about dating with grace, confidence and faith. You may be single because of a breakup, divorce, or a death of your partner.... or it's just been a long time. Explore this process in a safe space and learn the best approaches to date with ease, positivity and faith. […]
The Many Pathways to God
With Andrea Hoisl
This day of recollection will explore the different ways that we can speak to/reach out to God in our daily lives. It will address the important components of genuine prayer such as mindfulness and passion, which keeps us and our prayer lives changing and growing in meaningful ways. We invite you to join us for […]
Spring Bereavement
With Fr. Demetri Belsito
Day of Recollection: Star of the Sea
With Maureen O'Brien
This day-long retreat will deepen our connection to the Blessed Mother, receiving her love as we contemplate the way her visual and holy presence fills the Island and leads us to her Son. We will consider scripture (the Magnificat, the Annunciation, the Visitation, the Passion) as we encounter her here in this May abundance. Pondering […]
Relics of the Saints—A day of Exploration, Veneration, a Transformation
With Fr. Demetri Belsito
Come to learn about the Church's veneration of the relics of the saints since apostolic times. Why do we venerate the relics (bones) of holy martyrs? Why must each Altar be consecrated with having the relics of the saints in them? The relics of the saints give witness to holiness that was embodied in the flesh. […]
Finding Recovery Through Art
With Sue Ellen Landwehr
Navigating Life's Final Journey: Conversations
With Patricia O'Connor
Join us for a Day of Recollection, dedicated to preparing spiritually and emotionally for life’s final journey. This day is designed to help you navigate the mysteries of aging, illness, and the transition from this life with faith and trust in God’s love. Through guided reflections, quiet prayer, and shared discussions, we will explore themes […]
Living Simply in a Complex World
With Fr. Anthony Ciorra
As the world is becoming more complicated and complex, Jesus invites us to life of simplicity and compassion. This retreat day will offer a practical program for the Christian life in the twenty-first century We invite you to join us for Holy Mass in the Chapel at 9 AM. Check in will begin at 9:45. […]
Finding Recovery Through Art
With Sue Ellen Landwehr
Slow Down You’re Moving Too Fast
With Kathy Irr
We are calling on all the worn and weary. Who among us does not need renewal these days? The demands of daily life challenge even the most disciplined spiritual seekers. It helps every now and then to press pause and get away for a little time of self reflection and encounter God outside of your […]