In a world filled with chaos and noise, it is easy to let earthly concerns become the foreground of your existence. But in times of trouble, it becomes increasingly important to quiet your mind and take refuge in the solitude that Jesus often resorted to.
Join us on Enders Island for A Day of Solitude. Take time out of your busy schedule to pray, reconnect with your faith, and grow closer to God through the peaceful seclusion the Island provides. During your stay, you’ll have the opportunity to meet with a spiritual director, attend daily Mass, pray in our chapels, and walk the grounds. Experience the serenity that comes when you step away from the world and enter into undisturbed, prayerful meditation.
Your stay will begin with daily Mass at 9 AM, followed by check-in at 10 AM in St. Michael’s Hall. During registration, you’ll have the chance to sign up for a session of spiritual direction before settling into your room. Take the rest of your day to pray, walk the grounds, meditate, journal, or read. Meals will be provided in silence to maintain the peaceful and quiet spirit throughout your stay. Your retreat will conclude the following day after lunch.
We hope you’ll join us this Lent in uniting your life with Jesus by encountering the solitude needed to restore your spirit, renew your mind, and quiet your heart to hear the voice of God!