Amazing Grace, A Calligraphy Adventure
With Kathy Milici
October 17 - 22, 2021
Amazing Grace is perhaps the most loved hymn of all time. A dramatic story of hope and redemption, the lyrics were written by John Newton, in 1772, as his own spiritual transformation was occurring. Join Kathy on this creative and spiritual journey as we bring Amazing Grace to life! Learn the mysterious and powerful story behind the written words which seem fitting in any age. They remind us that we are never lost, because God is always working in our lives:
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now am found
Was blind, but now I see!
‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed!
Participants will focus on the creation of this beautiful composition, as you are carefully guided through each step from beginning to end! You will learn a variety of integrated techniques in this monochromatic watercolor study, including:
Gradient watercolor washes
Creating tone, value and contrast
Color mixing, blending and lifting
Lettering and/or handwritten text
Writing on a curve
Drawn and painted Versal letters
Ornamental filigree
Writing and highlighting with white ink
Graphite sketching and shading
Sparkly special effects & finishing touches
Come and experience the transformative power of words through creativity and art, with the ultimate goal of using our creativity to honor our Creator!
This week-long workshop’s studio time lasts five consecutive days and begins Sunday night at
5:30 pm with a dinner for students and instructors. Dinner is followed by a workshop
introduction and conference which ends at 9:00 pm. Hands-on instruction begins early Monday
morning. The entire workshop ends Friday at 1 PM.
Commuter: Workshop + Daily Lunch and Dinner: $660.00
Resident: Workshop + Daily Meal Package* + Shared Room: $985.00
Private Room: Workshop + Daily Meal Package* + Private Room: $1135.00
*Hot Breakfast, 2-course Lunch, 3-course Dinner, and snacks.
For more reservation details, contact us at: (860) 536-0565
Workshop Materials:
A $100 materials fee is included in the cost of this workshop.
All materials used in this workshop will be pre-ordered and made available to students in the classroom by the instructor.
All other equipment and art supplies are property of the Enders Island Sacred Art Institute.
Please call the office for more information: (860) 536-0565
About the Leader
Kathy Milici
Kathy is an internationally known calligrapher, designer, teacher, speaker, author and mentor, who happily admits to being obsessed with letters since childhood. With a studio located in Newton, New Jersey, her work has been featured in both calligraphy books, design blogs, national magazines and on television. Kathy's clients include private individuals, collectors and corporations, worldwide. She's […]
Learn more about Kathy MiliciCategories : Consecutive Weekdays, In Person, Sacred Art Workshops