If Your House is in Order: A Women's 11th Step

With Deacon Dan Giblin

January 10 - 12, 2025

Date and Time Details:
4:30pm Check-In Friday, January 10
11:00am Farewell - Sunday, January 12, 11 AM

Address: 1 Enders Island, Mystic, CT 06355

Contact: info@endersisland.org
(860) 536-0565

  • Shared Room – $300.00
  • Private Room – $350.00

As we read in the chapter A Vision for you in the book Alcoholics Anonymous, God will disclose more to us “if your own house is in order”. This retreat is a more comprehensive look at our house/ourselves than the daily 10th step. Years of sobriety can sometimes allow unhealthy or addictive activities into our lives that are difficult to see because of our focus on our sobriety from alcohol.  These retreat days are a chance to see that our relationship with him is right so that great things will come to pass for us and others. Are we in a rut or routine in our spiritual lives? Am I as open to change today as when I first entered sobriety? What things in my life are off-limits when I do a thorough inventory? These and more questions will be considered during the retreat.


Enders Island has long been steeped in the traditions and spirtuality of the Twelve Step Program which had it’s beginnings in 1935 with the birth of AA. Our Recovery Retreats provide a unique opportunity for individuals to encounter and accompany one another as a recovery community seeking to live out the twelve steps, with particular emphasis on the eleventh step:

       “We sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we underdtood God, praying for the knowledge of God’s will for us and for the power to carry that out.” 

About the Leader

Deacon Dan Giblin

Deacon Dan Giblin, CRS, was ordained a deacon for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia in 2011. He serves as a Spiritual Director for the Saint John Vianney Center in Downingtown PA working with inpatient male and female, clergy and religious, to discuss the spiritual aspects of their lives and ministry while in treatment. Deacon Giblin is […]

Learn more about Deacon Dan Giblin

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St. Edmund's Retreat | 1 Enders Island, Mystic CT, 06355 | 860-536-0565 | info@endersisland.org