Living Lent
With Kara Marziali
February 25, 2026
A Day of Recollection to Ready Your Heart
Take time to rediscover your relationship with Christ, deepen the meaning of your Lenten journey, and prepare your spirit for Easter. During this day, you will explore traditional Lenten practices like prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, while reflecting on the powerful significance of the Cross of Calvary, the Empty Tomb, and the Risen Lord.
You will begin the day by joining us for Holy Mass in the Chapel at 9 AM. Check-in will start at 9:45 AM, with coffee, tea, and pastries available for you to enjoy.
A hot lunch will be served at 12:30 PM in the dining hall of the Enders House, an early 20th-century Arts and Crafts-style mansion and the oldest structure on the island.
About the Leader
Kara Marziali is an artist, author, and educator. She teaches dramatic literature and art for the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at University of RI. She is involved in many creative endeavors including painting, design, writing, teaching theatre and dramatic literature, singing, and dancing. Her professional skills include graphic design, marketing, communications, teaching, and leading workshops. […]
Learn more about Kara Marziali
Categories :
Days of Recollection, Prayer, Weekday Program
St. Edmund's Retreat | 1 Enders Island, Mystic CT, 06355 | 860-536-0565 |