Living Simply in a Complex World
With Fr. Anthony Ciorra
August 20, 2025
As the world becomes more complicated and complex, Jesus invites you to a life of simplicity and compassion. This retreat day will offer a practical program for living the Christian life in the twenty-first century.
You are invited to join us for Holy Mass in the Chapel at 9 AM. Check-in will begin at 9:45, and coffee, tea, and pastries will be available. A hot lunch will be served at 12:30 in the dining hall of the Enders House, an early 20th-century arts and crafts style mansion and the oldest structure on the island.
Sample Schedule
9:00 am…………………………………………………….Mass
10:00 am……………………………Registration & Coffee
10:30 am…………………………………..First Conference
11:30 am…………………………………………….Reflection
12:30 pm…………………………………Hot Served Lunch
1:45 pm………………………………..Second Conference
2:45 pm……………………………………………..Reflection
3:00 pm……………………………..Farewell & Departure
About the Leader

Fr. Anthony Ciorra
Fr. Anthony Ciorra, Ph.D., is a leading expert on Christian spirituality. In recognition of his ministry in the Church, Pope John Paul II awarded him the pontifical honorĀ Pro Ecclesia et PontificeĀ in 1999. In 2000, he was awarded the Caritas Centennial Award for his work in lay ministry and the Spirit of RENEW Award for […]
Learn more about Fr. Anthony CiorraCategories : Days of Recollection, Prayer, Weekday Program