Pysanky Workshop

With Father Paul Luniw

April 5, 2025

Date and Time Details:
Saturday April 5
9 AM - 1 PM
Please bring a container with you to take your masterpiece home safely.

Address: 1 Enders Island, Mystic CT. 06355


  • $135.00 – Program Price Includes Materials & Lunch

Celebrate Easter with the ancient Ukrainian tradition of Pysanky. Father Paul Luniw, pastor of St. Michael’s Ukrainian Catholic Church in Terryville, CT, returns for this favorite day class. Father Paul has been practicing this art since his youth and has shared his gift with many people from around the world, including the Holy Father. In 2019, he had the honor of presenting an egg to Pope Francis and explaining the process.

A pysanka (Ukrainian: писанка, plural: pysanky) is a traditional Ukrainian Easter egg, adorned with intricate folk designs using a wax-resist (batik) technique. The term pysanka comes from the verb pysaty, meaning “to write,” as the patterns are written with beeswax rather than painted.

This intermediate-level workshop will guide you through creating your own pysanka masterpiece. By the end of the session, you’ll have a beautifully crafted egg to take home. Be sure to bring a container to safely transport your finished creation.

Join us for Holy Mass in the Chapel at 9 AM. Check-in begins at 10 AM in the Sacred Art Studio. Lunch will be provided at noon in the dining hall of the Enders House, an early 20th-century arts and crafts style mansion and the oldest structure on the island.

About the Leader

Father Paul Luniw

Father Paul Luniw is an internationally recognized master of the Ukrainian decorative art tradition called pysanky. He was raised in England, in a Ukrainian immigrant community, learning the art as a young boy from his mother. Since then, he has continued to master the process of intricately decorating ostrich, duck, hen and quail eggs. Father […]

Learn more about Father Paul Luniw

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St. Edmund's Retreat | 1 Enders Island, Mystic CT, 06355 | 860-536-0565 |