Walking with Mary
With Deacon Francis Valliere
August 19, 2026
A serene and spiritually enriching Day of Recollection focused on the Rosary awaits you on Enders Island. This retreat offers a unique opportunity to deepen your connection to Christ and His Blessed Mother through prayer, reflection, and contemplation.
The program includes reflections on the Mysteries of the Rosary, communal prayer, and time for private devotion. Attendees will also have the opportunity to walk the Rosary Walk, a sacred space for meditation and prayer, enhancing the day’s spiritual experience.
Participants will enjoy quiet moments for personal reflection, Mass, and the beautiful surroundings of Enders Island. Meals will be provided, allowing time to connect with fellow participants.
We invite you to join us for Holy Mass in the Chapel at 9 AM. Check in will begin at 9:45. Coffee, tea and pastries will be available. Lunch will be served at 12:30 in the dining hall of the Enders House, an early 20th century arts and crafts style mansion and the oldest structure on the island.
Step away from the busyness of daily life and immerse yourself in the spiritual treasures of the Rosary.
About the Leader

Deacon Francis Valliere
Deacon Francis was born and raised in Westerly, Rhode Island. He married in 1973 and has two daughters and six grandchildren. After a spiritual epiphany in 1988 he was drawn to daily Mass. A Cursillo retreat weekend then changed his life forever. Called to lead others to Christ, he decided to extend his education at […]
Learn more about Deacon Francis ValliereCategories : Days of Recollection, Prayer, Weekday Program