An Advent of Healing: Finding Hope, Peace, Love, & Joy in Recovery: Women's 11th Step
With Sr. Marie Mackey, CSJ
December 5 - 7, 2025
Join us on this Women’s 11th step retreat as we weave the Advent themes of Hope, Peace, Love and Joy into our 11th Step practices all year round.
As we move into the silence of winter we are invited into a deeper connection with our Higher Power. Come and experience the light that shines through the darkness as you take time in stillness, meditation and conversation.
Enders Island has long been steeped in the traditions and spirituality of the Twelve Step Program which had it’s beginnings in 1935 with the birth of AA. Our Recovery Retreats provide a unique opportunity for individuals to encounter and accompany one another as a recovery community seeking to live out the twelve steps, with particular emphasis on the eleventh step:
“We sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood God, praying for the knowledge of God’s will for us and for the power to carry that out.”
About the Leader
Sr. Marie Mackey, CSJ
Sr. Marie Mackey, CSJ, M.S., M.A., is a Sister of St. Joseph of Brentwood. She holds degrees in English, Education and Theology and has spent over 30 years in Catholic high school education as a Religion Teacher and Campus Minister. Sr. Marie received her certification in Spiritual Direction from Boston College and presently serves as […]
Learn more about Sr. Marie Mackey, CSJCategories : In Person, Recovery, Weekend