Deacon Dan Giblin

Deacon Dan Giblin, CRS, was ordained a deacon for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia in 2011. He serves as a Spiritual Director for the Saint John Vianney Center in Downingtown PA working with inpatient male and female, clergy and religious, to discuss the spiritual aspects of their lives and ministry while in treatment. Deacon Giblin is a Certified Recovery Specialist. He completed his Addiction Studies at Villanova University and has been active in the addictions recovery field since 1984.  Deacon Giblin has been a retreat master of recovery retreats for men and women since 2012. He has conducted over 60 retreats in seven states. He is a graduate of St. Charles Borromeo Seminary School of Diaconal Formation, and currently is a member of the Admissions Board for St. Charles Seminary, along with the National Association for Addiction Professionals.


Upcoming Programs by Deacon Dan Giblin

If Your House is in Order: A Men's 11th Step

August 22 - 24, 2025
This retreat offers a deep exploration of your spiritual life, beyond the daily 10th step, to ensure a right relationship with God. Reflecting on your spiritual journey, you'll address areas of your life that may have become complacent or hidden, inviting transformation and openness to change.