Br. Wayne Fitzpatrick, MM

Assistant Regional Superior for the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers


Br. Wayne J. Fitzpatrick, MM holds an M.A. Degree in Theology from the Maryknoll School of Theology, Maryknoll, NY and an M.S. Degree in Pastoral Counseling from Loyola University, Baltimore, MD.

He trained overseas in Guatemala, and served there from 1976 until 1979. In 1979 Brother Wayne took his Perpetual Oath to the Society and was assigned in 1981 to the Vocation Task Force for Recruitment in the United States. He was the first Brother ever elected to Maryknoll’s General Council and he was appointed Secretary General of the Society. In May 1995, he was appointed Interim Vocation Director and supervised the reorganization of the Society’s Vocation Office. In October 1996 Brother Wayne was reelected to the General Council at the Tenth General Chapter in Hong Kong and again named Secretary General. He has also been an active participant in the promotion of the Brotherhood vocation in the United States, working closely with the National Assembly of Religious Brothers serving as a member of their National Board from June 1985 to June 1988. Bro. Wayne is presently Managing Director of the Senior Care and Transition Services for the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers. He also serves as the Assistant Regional Superior for the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers in the U.S.


Upcoming Programs by Br. Wayne Fitzpatrick, MM

Our Pilgrimage Back to Life in Recovery: Blessings and Gratitude: Men's 11th Step

November 14 - 16, 2025
Embark on a transformative Pilgrimage in recovery, focusing on the 11th Step: improving conscious contact with God through prayer and meditation. This retreat offers space for spiritual growth, reflection, and shared experiences, deepening your connection with God.