Deacon Francis Valliere
Deacon Francis was born and raised in Westerly, Rhode Island. He married in 1973 and has two daughters and six grandchildren. After a spiritual epiphany in 1988 he was drawn to daily Mass. A Cursillo retreat weekend then changed his life forever. Called to lead others to Christ, he decided to extend his education at Providence College under the tutelage of Fr. Robert Justin Henesy, Dean of Theology. There he studied theology, philosophy, and delved deeper into an already extensive study of the Patristic Fathers.
He answered the call to the Permanent Diaconate in 1997 and entered into formation one year later. He entered the master’s program in Pastoral Ministries and was ordained in 2002 and appointed as Deacon Assistant at St. Pius X parish in Westerly, Rhode Island. He spent four years in prison ministry, has taught, along with his wife Donna, the RCIA program for the last 25 years at his parish. He has given lectures on “Theology for Beginners”, “Morality, a Catholic View”, “The Early Fathers of the Church” and other subjects.
Deacon Francis has authored the devotional book “The Merciful Mysteries of the Rosary” and will be releasing his second book, “365 Days with a Loving Father” in the near future. Over the last twenty-five years he developed the popular website “Christ’s Faithful People” that offers a vast library of Catholic writings, catechisms, papal documents, patristic writings, and more for research and general catechetical purposes.
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