Michelle Ludington

Artist Michelle Ludington is a native of Westerly, RI, and a Multi-Medium Artist to include Abstract,
Impressionism and Realism paintings, and Shell Artwork. Ludington has also been a “Featured Artist”
over the years to include most recenty, March 2022, at Hoxie Gallery in Westerly, RI. Ludington is also
the Owner and Art Instructor at Shellystones Art Gallery. As an Art Instructor, Ludington teaches classes
to include, but not limited to “Paint Nite,” and “Decoupaging with a New England Quahog,” whether it be
for a special occasion, birthday party or an event. Prior to becoming an Artist, Ludington worked for the
Federal Government for 30 1/2 years prior to retiring in March 2018.

Ludington uses both Acrylic or Oil as a Medium for painting. When it comes to Shells/Quahogs used in
Ludington’s Shell Artwork, Ludington prefers to handpick the shells from the beautiful coastal shores of
New England.

Ludington states that what inspires her is Mother Nature. Ludington envisions God’s array of beauty
after taking a walk along a beach or a nature trail within beautiful New England or other travels.
Art touches the soul …. art is communication …. it reaches out from the canvas and passes through the
eyes of the viewer right into his heart where it can leave an imprint of beauty that can make the spirit
sing. … Nina Baldwin

