Sister Anita M. Constance
Sister Anita M. Constance is a Sister of Charity of St. Elizabeth, Convent Station, NJ. Sister is the author of several spiritual books and is experienced in giving
retreats and workshops. She ministered as a Pastoral Associate in the Diocese of Paterson, as Director of Pastoral Care at Saint Anne Villa (Convent Station, NJ)
and as Director of Xavier Retreat Center at Convent Station. Sister Anita is a certified Spiritual Director and offers Bereavement Support and Healing Touch, as
well as Spiritual Direction. Sister Anita received an M.S. from Fordham University where she focused on spirituality and pastoral counseling. It was at Xavier Center that Sister Anita connected with MT19 men. Although not in recovery, she was invited to be their Retreat Director and continues to be on the Director’s list. She has given numerous Matt Talbot retreats to men and women since 2011. Sister Anita considers it an honor and a privilege to be of service to men and women in recovery..
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